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Calculates the statistics for a line by using the "least squares" method to calculate a straight line that best fits your data, and returns an array that describes the line. Because this function returns an array of values, it must be entered as an array formula.

The equation for the line is:

y = mx + b or

y = m1x1 + m2x2 + ... + b (if there are multiple ranges of x-values)

where the dependent y-value is a function of the independent x-values. The m-values are coefficients corresponding to each x-value, and b is a constant value. Note that y, x, and m can be vectors. The array that LINEST returns is {mn,mn-1,...,m1,b}. LINEST can also return additional regression statistics.



Known_y's    is the set of y-values you already know in the relationship y = mx + b.

Known_x's    is an optional set of x-values that you may already know in the relationship y = mx + b.

Const    is a logical value specifying whether to force the constant b to equal 0.

Stats    is a logical value specifying whether to return additional regression statistics.

The additional regression statistics are as follows.

Statistic Description
se1,se2,...,sen The standard error values for the coefficients m1,m2,...,mn.
seb The standard error value for the constant b (seb = #N/A when const is FALSE).
r2 The coefficient of determination. Compares estimated and actual y-values, and ranges in value from 0 to 1. If it is 1, there is a perfect correlation in the sample— there is no difference between the estimated y-value and the actual y-value. At the other extreme, if the coefficient of determination is 0, the regression equation is not helpful in predicting a y-value. For information about how r2 is calculated, see "Remarks" later in this topic.
sey The standard error for the y estimate.
F The F statistic, or the F-observed value. Use the F statistic to determine whether the observed relationship between the dependent and independent variables occurs by chance.
df The degrees of freedom. Use the degrees of freedom to help you find F-critical values in a statistical table. Compare the values you find in the table to the F statistic returned by LINEST to determine a confidence level for the model. For information about how df is calculated, see "Remarks" later in this topic. Example 4 below shows use of F and df.
ssreg The regression sum of squares.
ssresid The residual sum of squares. For information about how ssreg and ssresid are calculated, see "Remarks" later in this topic.

The following illustration shows the order in which the additional regression statistics are returned.



Example 1 Slope and Y-Intercept

The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.


Known y Known x
1 0
9 4
5 2
7 3
Formula Formula

Note  The formula in the example must be entered as an array formula. After copying the example to a blank worksheet, select the range A7:B7 starting with the formula cell. Press F2, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. If the formula is not entered as an array formula, the single result is 2.

When entered as an array, the slope (2) and the y-intercept (1) are returned.

Example 2 Simple Linear Regression

The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.


Month Sales
1 3100
2 4500
3 4400
4 5400
5 7500
6 8100
Formula Description (Result)
=SUM(LINEST(B2:B7, A2:A7)*{9,1}) Estimate sales for the ninth month (11000)

In general, SUM({m,b}*{x,1}) equals mx + b, the estimated y-value for a given x-value. You can also use the TREND function.

Example 3 Multiple Linear Regression

Suppose a commercial developer is considering purchasing a group of small office buildings in an established business district.

The developer can use multiple linear regression analysis to estimate the value of an office building in a given area based on the following variables.

Variable Refers to the
y Assessed value of the office building
x1 Floor space in square feet
x2 Number of offices
x3 Number of entrances
x4 Age of the office building in years

This example assumes that a straight-line relationship exists between each independent variable (x1, x2, x3, and x4) and the dependent variable (y), the value of office buildings in the area.

The developer randomly chooses a sample of 11 office buildings from a possible 1,500 office buildings and obtains the following data. "Half an entrance" means an entrance for deliveries only.

The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.


Floor space (x1) Offices (x2) Entrances (x3) Age (x4) Assessed value (y)
2310 2 2 20 142,000
2333 2 2 12 144,000
2356 3 1.5 33 151,000
2379 3 2 43 150,000
2402 2 3 53 139,000
2425 4 2 23 169,000
2448 2 1.5 99 126,000
2471 2 2 34 142,900
2494 3 3 23 163,000
2517 4 4 55 169,000
2540 2 3 22 149,000

Note  The formula in the example must be entered as an array formula. After copying the example to a blank worksheet, select the range A14:E18 starting with the formula cell. Press F2, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. If the formula is not entered as an array formula, the single result is -234.2371645.

When entered as an array, the following regression statistics are returned. Use this key to identify the statistic you want.


The multiple regression equation, y = m1*x1 + m2*x2 + m3*x3 + m4*x4 + b, can now be obtained using the values from row 14:

y = 27.64*x1 + 12,530*x2 + 2,553*x3 - 234.24*x4 + 52,318

The developer can now estimate the assessed value of an office building in the same area that has 2,500 square feet, three offices, and two entrances and is 25 years old, by using the following equation:

y = 27.64*2500 + 12530*3 + 2553*2 - 234.24*25 + 52318 = $158,261

Or you can copy the following table to cell A21 of the example workbook.

Floor space (x1) Offices (x2) Entrances (x3) Age (x4) Assessed value (y)
2500 3 2 25 =D14*A22 + C14*B22 + B14*C22 + A14*D22 + E14

You can also use the TREND function to calculate this value.

Example 4 Using the F and r2 Statistics

In the previous example, the coefficient of determination, or r2, is 0.99675 (see cell A17 in the output for LINEST), which would indicate a strong relationship between the independent variables and the sale price. You can use the F statistic to determine whether these results, with such a high r2 value, occurred by chance.

Assume for the moment that in fact there is no relationship among the variables, but that you have drawn a rare sample of 11 office buildings that causes the statistical analysis to demonstrate a strong relationship. The term "Alpha" is used for the probability of erroneously concluding that there is a relationship.

F and df in LINEST output can be used to assess the likelihood of a higher F value occurring by chance. F can be compared with critical values in published F-distribution tables or Excel’s FDIST can be used to calculate the probability of a larger F value occurring by chance. The appropriate F distribution has v1 and v2 degrees of freedom. If n is the number of data points and const = TRUE or omitted, then v1 = n – df – 1 and v2 = df. (If const = FALSE, then v1 = n – df and v2 = df.) Excel’s FDIST(F,v1,v2) will return the probability of a higher F value occurring by chance. In Example 4, df = 6 (cell B18) and F = 459.753674 (cell A18).

Assuming an Alpha value of 0.05, v1 = 11 – 6 – 1 = 4 and v2 = 6, the critical level of F is 4.53. Since F = 459.753674 is much higher than 4.53, it is extremely unlikely that an F value this high occurred by chance. (With Alpha = 0.05, the hypothesis that there is no relationship between known_y’s and known_x’s is to be rejected when F exceeds the critical level, 4.53.) Using Excel’s FDIST you can obtain the probability that an F value this high occurred by chance. FDIST(459.753674, 4, 6) = 1.37E-7, an extremely small probability. You can conclude, either by finding the critical level of F in a table or by using Excel’s FDIST, that the regression equation is useful in predicting the assessed value of office buildings in this area. Remember that it is critical to use correct values of v1 and v2 computed in the previous paragraph.

Example 5 Calculating the t-Statistics

Another hypothesis test will determine whether each slope coefficient is useful in estimating the assessed value of an office building in example 3. For example, to test the age coefficient for statistical significance, divide -234.24 (age slope coefficient) by 13.268 (the estimated standard error of age coefficients in cell A15). The following is the t-observed value:

t = m4 ÷ se4 = -234.24 ÷ 13.268 = -17.7

If the absolute value of t is sufficiently high, it can be concluded that the slope coefficient is useful in estimating the assessed value of an office building in Example 3. The table below shows the absolute values of the 4 t-observed values.

If you consult a table in a statistics manual, you will find that t-critical, two tailed, with 6 degrees of freedom and Alpha = 0.05 is 2.447. This critical value can also be found using Excel’s TINV function. TINV(0.05,6) = 2.447. Because the absolute value of t, 17.7, is greater than 2.447, age is an important variable when estimating the assessed value of an office building. Each of the other independent variables can be tested for statistical significance in a similar manner. The following are the t-observed values for each of the independent variables.

Variable t-observed value
Floor space 5.1
Number of offices 31.3
Number of entrances 4.8
Age 17.7

These values all have an absolute value greater than 2.447; therefore, all the variables used in the regression equation are useful in predicting the assessed value of office buildings in this area.<SPAN FPRev